So what was it that diverted our attention as intensely and as long as it took for us to lose our focus on ensuring that in November of 2020, a free and fair Presidential election would occur? COVID. We mentioned it before, but let's take a deeper dive into it to look at how we could have been distracted by it, and away from the election. COVID was introduced to us in late 2019 and by March of 2020 we were locked down and wearing masks - initially for 15 days to "flatten the curve." All we knew about it at the time for sure, is that human life was changing globally. For 15 days? That was a good start. It was good enough to get masks on our faces and hand sanitizer flying off the shelves at the supermarkets. How long would it last? How many would be affected? Where did it come from? Good questions. Good enough to keep us glued to the cable news stations where COVID cases and then COVID deaths were posted 24/7 and updated hourly. Cable TV news ratings couldn't have been better.
What about the accuracy of the reporting though? All we knew was what we were told, but eventually we started to hear different things about the origins and treatments of the "virus". There seemed to be no argument about the reports of it coming out of China. Initial reports were that it was somehow born in a "wet market" in Wuhan, China. We were told it may have somehow come from a combined species of animals - bats and/or pangolins - then jumped onto human beings where it spread to just about everyone who came into contact with it. Who knew for sure at that point in time? It was coming to us from our cable news stations through our TVs so it had to carry SOME measure of credibility, right? Right. There was no way it could have come from a lab leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. That would be some sort of conspiracy theory. The TVs were telling us it was the Pangolins, dammit! Travel from China was shut down soon thereafter however, and that seemed to be some step in the right direction.
Treatments for COVID were not being considered by the CDC, FDA, NIH, or any other government agency "Experts". Vaccines were. There had to be a vaccine developed for those who were not yet infected. Operation Warp Speed was launched and incremental positive progress reports were eeked out to the general population at regulated intervals to provide the needed "hopium" to keep the general public from stampeding over each other for the last gallon of milk and/or the last roll of toilet paper at every supermarket in the country. The Center Ring and Main Stage for the Production of The Century was none other than New York City. How fitting. Governor Cuomo was powder puffed and ready for the cameras each day to provide the narrative needed for MORE ventilators, to emphasize the penalties for the lunatic walking biohazards refusing to wear masks in public, and to the reiterate the threats of arrest of any scofflaw business owners who tried to remain open to pay their employees and pay the rent. Most importantly of course, was the Governors role in reporting the latest, increased death tolls. I remember watching the numbers rise and checking the corresponding age ranges for each group of fatalities and thinking, "at least it wasn't killing kids."
Still, the 15 days to "flatten the curve" or "slow the spread" had come and gone almost unnoticed as the death tolls rose. The fear was replacing the rationality. Mask-wearing seemed at least prudent now, if not yet normal. Vaccine progress kept dribbling out of our TVs; lock-downs could be ending shortly so now it almost seemed to make sense to mask up. Amazon deliveries were left outside for a while longer than usual still though, so the virus could have a better chance to jump off of our packages before we brought them inside our homes.
The daily reports from Governor Cuomo on the admissions and deaths coming out of Elmhurst Hospital in Queens kept the public from reverting to any sort of pre-COVID normalcy. Elmhurst was now the epicenter; it was the bellwether the cameras were trained on, to give the people of the US a pulse on which to keep their finger; to gauge the progress, or lack thereof, of our success in defeating COVID. The President had sent the Hospital Ships USNS Mercy and USNS Comfort to the East and West coasts of the country to provide relief for the growing numbers of cases. The TV cameras were not at either of these hospital ships though (Neither were used). The cameras were at Elmhurst. It had the potential to become a Broadway Hit if it didn't seem so real. Where better to pull off such a production? For the fearmongers, it was a Hit, in that it produced an increase in the anxiety levels among the general population that was off the charts.
Elmhurst seemed to be where things were happening and where supplies and doctors and nurses were in short supply. A call went out for nurses willing to help out at Elmhurst and in April of 2020, Combat Veteran and Army Nurse Erin Olszewski answered that call. She packed up a few things from her home in Tampa, Florida and arrived in New York two days later.
Erin had been working at a hospital in Tampa, where they had successfully been treating COVID patients with Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and other alternative medicines and vitamins. CNN, MSNBC and the rest of the Mainstream media did not report on the fact that there were extremely few COVID deaths being reported from the Tampa hospital, nor did they report on the financial incentives being given to Elmhurst and other hospitals that followed the CDC-approved treatments issued by Dr. Anthony Fauci. Elmhurst received $13,000 dollars for each COVID patient admitted + $39,000 for each of those patients who were then placed on ventilators. Other incentives were added for following the "Approved CDC Protocol" which increased the jackpot to $100,000.00 for each patient by the time they had died and were wheeled out to the freezer trucks. Nurses were being paid $10,000 per week.
Nurse Erin knew by the time her first 12-hour shift was over, that this fraud needed to be exposed and she did what she could to record as much of the audio and video evidence she could until she was asked to leave 4 weeks later. Hopefully her book will become a movie. There is SO much more to know about this hoax, including the ability of the Power-Hungry, to manipulate the masses falling into the trap; The Psychological Operation (PsyOp).
Doctors and researchers across the globe were watching this outbreak and the seeming inability of the medical profession to find SOME thing to at least slow the death rates. Many empathetic professionals were frantically looking for answers and were finding that some of the early treatments were showing the best results. Ivermectin, which was being used in locations in Africa to treat river blindness, was showing that those prescribed it were reporting the lowest cases of COVID deaths. In India, it was widely distributed and also yielding positive results. Among others, the late great Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko had shown positive results using Hydroxychloroquine along with vitamins D, C, zinc and quercetin in successful early treatment of the virus.
On October 2, 2020 President Trump had contracted COVID and according to reports, began Remdesivir treatment for a short period. By then however, it had become clear that Remdesivir was not the answer and it is reported that he was taken off the Remdesivir and was then treated successfully with monoclonal antibodies. The President had been an early advocate of alternative treatments and earlier that year after being presented with accurate data, called Hydroxychloroquine a potential game-changer. By this time, people had begun spending less time in front of their TVs and more time online, looking at these alternative treatments, after seeing only more death from the standard operating procedures. The big money continued lining the pockets of those following the Fauci protocol however, so Big Pharma continued to push the Remdesivir.
It would be too easy to continue reading this article without completely understanding the full, devastating effects the Fauci Remdesivir protocol had on too many families across the globe, so to provide the reader with one reaction coming from the feelings of one family member who experienced this trauma, you are presented with the following video clip. When you finish watching, multiply the feelings this young lady is experiencing from unnecessarily losing her father through the use of the Fauci Remdesivir protocol, by 300,000,000. This young lady’s pain comes directly from Dr. Fauci’s profits. The money may be gone one day, but the agony will continue for a lifetime for her along with too many others.
This would continue to be a disturbing trend - to go with the money, instead of the cure - for Big Pharma as Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson were getting ready to delivered 'vaccines' for the 'virus' the following year. If you think Free Speech and open debate regarding these 'vaccines' may have returned after the release of them, you're going to want to think again. Even after the catastrophic medical malfeasance documented in the COVID treatments used in the failed Fauci Protocol, the censorship, misinformation and repression of the Truth regarding the fatalities and injuries of the 'vaccines' has only grown stronger. When the picture from the FDA below was posted on Twitter, the caption above it read, "You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y'all. Stop it."
If you scroll down on that page at their site: and click on "Clinical trials", you will find data that actually confirms that the testing of Ivermectin, administered in the proper doses in humans, did indeed produce positive results in fighting COVID.
The all-out attack on HCQ and Ivermectin and alternative COVID treatments continues to this day. Test subjects given fatal or inadequate amounts of the drugs were used to produce overdoses and deaths. Because Ivermectin is also used in larger doses to treat animals to remove parasites, it was quickly labeled as "Horse Paste" by the Mainstream Media and we continue to be told by them and the "Medical Experts" that it that should not be used for human consumption. Another PsyOp, of course; but once you study how to develop a Psychological Operation to produce the desired results, it becomes easier to understand how billions of people can be tricked into doing exactly what you want them to do. Operation Mockingbird was a tried and true tool for this sort of production so they dusted it off and fired it up.
With the 'virus' and the lock-downs keeping people in panic-mode, it provided all kinds of ways for those in power to circumvent - if not outright break - existing law. Benjamin Franklin summed it up succinctly when he stated:
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
We DID give up essential Liberty when our children were forced to stay home from school, and when we put on our masks, which did nothing to prevent the spread or chance of contracting the virus, and when we were forced to skip or modify our Holidays and other time spent with Family and Friends. Did drug and alcohol abuse rates go up? Yup. Suicides? Check. How many died because they were not allowed to be seen for wellness visits that might have caught a treatable cancer, or some other disease? More than a few, I'm sure. Then there's domestic violence, child abuse and trafficking. Check. Check. Check. Maybe the worst we were forced to endure, was letting those who had been forced to die alone do so, because a loved one was not allowed be with them and hold their hand as they left this world. So where was the Safety, which we gave up all of these Liberties for that equalized this? Get your mask on and Shut Up! And make sure you're double vaxxed AND boosted with THAT poison when we release it!
Oh, Yeah! That’s right! While we were being distracted by, and under the influence of this Mass Psychosis, they WERE able to steal a Presidential Election from us.
Encore, anyone?